Triton all-in-one irrigating solution kills the most virulent canal bacteria in one-half the time and with one-third of the steps of the current gold standard. Read more about this new product from Brasseler USA.

Irrigation is a critical step in performing successful root canal therapy. Unfortunately, the most popular and proven solutions that we use to clean root canals can be dangerous, and most opinion leaders suggest the use of multiple solutions to maximize the antibacterial effect. This requires extra steps and intermediate rinsing to avoid neutralization of the irrigation solution and/or dangerous chemical reactions.
The biggest challenge is that sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is almost immediately neutralized when it comes in contact with dentinal debris. For this reason, many clinicians use full-strength NaOCl. To counter this neutralization effect, we need to use EDTA to dissolve the inorganic debris and then quickly re-expose the canal to NaOCl. Unfortunately, the EDTA also neutralizes the NaOCl, so we have to use a high volume of irrigation solution or intermediate rinsing before we achieve an optimal cleansing effect.
But now, there is a solution with Triton™. Triton is a patent-pending all-in-one irrigation solution that has been shown to kill the most virulent canal bacteria in one-half the time and with one-third of the steps of the current gold standard. Unlike traditional irrigants or other advanced 2:1 solutions, Triton works differently by avoiding the use of EDTA and chlorhexidine (CHX) altogether.
“Triton addresses the most essential and fundamental needs of endodontic irrigation in one solution. The sodium hypochlorite component provides tissue dissolution and disinfection while the novel combination of gentle chelating agents and surfactants simultaneously provide inorganic debris dissolution, saponification, and lubrication. Triton provides soft tissue digestion, surface disinfection, and demineralization of the debris all at once making it a truly synergistic solution that greatly simplifies the irrigation process.”
— Allen Ali Nasseh, DDS, MMSc; RealWorldEndo, Boston, Massachusetts
The non-NaOCl components in Triton proactively dissolve the inorganic debris allowing for the safer concentration of NaOCl to be exposed to the surfaces of biofilms without as much buffering. This synergistic combination of dentinal debris dissolution and antimicrobial disinfection taking place at the same time allows for maximum clinical efficiency.

By using a lower concentration of NaOCl and a proprietary blend of surfactants and gentle chelating agents, Triton is the first all-in-one irrigation solution to deliver all of the benefits of EDTA while at the same time delivering the antibacterial and tissue dissolution benefits of NaOCl. For more information, please contact Brasseler USA®:
This information was provided by Brasseler USA®.
Besides its new product, Triton all-in-one irrigating solution, Brasseler USA is a trusted leader in bioactives. Read more here:
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