The Science and Clinical Evidence Behind A Modern-Day Disinfection and Debridement Technology

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Presented by:

Dr. Derek Peek

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About the sponsor:

The GentleWave® System is an innovative technology platform designed to treat tooth decay by cleaning and disinfecting the microscopic spaces within teeth without the need to remove tooth structure. The system utilizes a proprietary mechanism of action, which combines procedure fluid optimization, broad-spectrum acoustic energy, and advanced fluid dynamics, to debride and disinfect deep regions of the complex root canal system in a less invasive procedure that preserves tooth structure. The clinical benefits of the GentleWave System when compared to conventional methods of root canal therapy include improved clinical outcomes, such as superior cleaning that is independent of root canal complexity and tooth anatomy, high and rapid rates of healing and minimal to no post-operative pain. In addition, the GentleWave System can improve the workflow and economics of dental practices and offers patients an effective, less invasive, and less painful alternative to traditional root canal therapy.

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