“Endo Your Way”: How Advanced Bioceramics Can Benefit Your Practice
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Presented by:
Dr. Ryan M. Walsh
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About the sponsor:
Based in Houston, TX, Avalon Biomed is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of advanced bioceramic dental materials that are unsurpassed in versatility and quality. Every product is manufactured under the strictest U.S. and international regulations. Today, we are delivering better, evidence-based bioceramic technology while the big endo materials companies are content with the status quo, because we believe the world needs a higher standard of care. These products have a variety of uses in vital pulp therapy and endodontics, including: root canal sealing, root-end filling, apexification, obturation, resorption, perforation repair, apexogenesis, pulpotomy and cavity liner/base, direct pulp capping/partial pulpotomy, and indirect pulp capping